What is Shiatsu massage and how is it different from Acupuncture and What is it that makes Shiatsu massage different?

Shiatsu massage has been extremely popular over the last ten years. Shiatsu is an Japanese method of massage that employs pseudoscientific methods from traditional Chinese treatments such as "qi" as well as "energy," is an instance that is a type of Japanese Shiatsu. It was first widely used by Tokujiro Namikoshi in the late twenty-first century, shiatsu has become a popular choice for all of the Western world. Click for more info Shiatsu's basic concept is that all diseases is due to an imbalance in energy.
Shiatsu massage employs a variety of various techniques to achieve the balancing of energy through the body. You can choose from a variety of Shiatsu massages like Neuromuscular and Spinal release Therapy or Phyto-Emotional Shiatsu. All of them are developed to maintain or restore balance between an internal organ or system as well as an external organ or source of energy. Massage therapists using Shiatsu use constant pressure, also known as Tui Na for treating sufferers. They focus on certain meridian point, especially the spinalregion, applying pressure. The therapist may also apply pressure to specific meridian points.
Along with applying pressure to certain meridians, Shiatsu massage also involves several other techniques. Therapists who specialize in Shiatsu may be able to use specific strokes of acupressure on specific muscle tension points while dealing with patients. They take advantage of naturally occurring tension within the body for this. The tension creates the physical health benefits by releasing negative energy. It also boosts the immunity system.
Methods used to give the stimulation is a key differentiator between Shiatsu massages and traditional deep tissue massage. Shiatsu massage uses light contact pressure, and is based on the beneficial effects of Qi flowing (pronounced Chee), a kind of life force energy. Qi is thought to be the source of life force energy. is the invisible energy field around all living things. The qi flows throughout the human body, from the top down and is considered the foundation of an optimum health. To promote well-being and health the Shiatsu massage is designed to improve Qi circulation throughout the body.
An alternative method used to apply Shiatsu massage is pressure, or manipulating the fingers. To relieve tension and stimulate healing, therapists apply constant pressure to specific areas on the pelvis and spine. The method is different from the finger pressure because it applies continuously pressure while using subtle movements to stimulate points along the length of the spine.
Shiatsu is different from other Chinese forms of medicine in that it believes the source of illness or disease is within the body. Shiatsu is a firm believer it is because energy (chi) is continuously moving throughout the body, forming and dislodging meridian point. If chi is not balanced and the channels for energy flow through the meridian can become blocked, leading to many issues that include pain, disease and even illness. Massage therapists using Shiatsu seek to alleviate these obstructions by applying pressure to specific areas along of the spine. This will result in an improvement in health and the removal of any toxins which are stuck.
Unlike Western treatment, shiatsu doesn't aim to eliminate physical conditions, but instead to encourage healing and recovery. Shiatsu massage therapy is designed to enhance the overall wellbeing of the whole body through the use of acupuncture and Chinese treatment. By applying finger pressure or specific pressure points the therapist will be capable of clearing channels that carry energy (qi) which have been blocked or are otherwise vibrating with a high frequency. The therapist aids in the regeneration of the organs by restoring the energy flow.
Shiatsu massage is available by massage chairs that are specially designed. But, it's feasible to give this massage in an environment that's more comfortable to the client. A lot of people feel uncomfortable of receiving acupuncture treatment in their homes. That's why many manufactures now have specialized massage chairs offering Shiatsu massage. Although these chairs look very similar to classic massage chairs that are found in medical offices and clinics, they are also equipped with pressure points as well as other characteristics that permit the therapist to give shiatsu massages without having to ever climb up. Through offering this kind of massage to clients, massage therapists provide a safe and relaxing method for people to get relief for chronic pain or various other ailments.